The Experience Strategist
Experience Strategy Podcast with Stone Mantel
Big Brands and the Hero Trap

Big Brands and the Hero Trap

How can you turn your customer into a superhero? In today's episode, we are joined by Thomas Kolster, the Author of The Hero Trap and Goodvertising and one of the most recognized thinkers globally, where marketing, business, and sustainability meet. This week's episode covers experiences, why they are more sustainable than things, and how to make them truly transformational. Tune in to learn more about why you should be putting your customers in charge and turning them into superheroes instead of your brand.


  • [01:48] Thomas’s career background.

  • [03:56] Why Thomas chooses sustainability to be part of a solution.

  • [06:46] How open are the companies Thomas works with to change?

  • [08:37] What is The Hero Trap?

  • [15:55] What drives brands to stop authentically caring about their mission?

  • [19:37] Why do people fall out of love with brands?

  • [21:43] Aransas shares her experience of working for a transformative brand.

  • [28:48] Customers should be treated like superheroes. 


  • Experiences are more sustainable than things.

  • Put your customer in charge of your brand and your business.

  • Understand fundamentally the role you play in people’s lives. Turn your customers into superheroes instead of your brand.

  • Ask yourself how you can create transformative experiences for your customers.


Thomas’s Books 


Thomas Kolster is a frontrunner and one of the most recognized thinkers globally where marketing, business, and sustainability meet. He continuously challenges the status quo with his vocal and often provocative views on values, purpose, and leadership. In an over-crowded do-good market, people don’t buy your values or your “why” but rather who you can help them become. 

Thomas wrote two books: Goodvertising & The Hero Trap. He delivered keynotes and workshops in +70 markets for clients like Facebook, P&G, and IKEA and at conferences such as TEDx, and SXSW Judged top awards such as Jury President at D&AD and Jury at Cannes Lions. Thomas also delivered longer training programs with universities and the likes of Cannes Lions and D&AD.

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The Experience Strategist
Experience Strategy Podcast with Stone Mantel
Have you ever had an experience as a customer that left you wondering, “What were they thinking?” The Experience Strategy Podcast has your answer!
We are endlessly curious about what makes great customer experiences and the strategies that successful (and unsuccessful) organizations leverage to create deep and meaningful relationships with their customers. In each episode we explore a notable customer experience through the customer’s perspective to unearth the powerful strategic lessons in these experiences for brands large and small.
Whether you are part of a vast experience strategy team, or you’re a small business owner interested in creating an experience strategy that drives customer loyalty and value, you'll find powerful, actionable CX and employee experience insights in every episode.
The Experience Strategy Podcast is hosted by Dave Norton and Aransas Savas. Dave is an Experience Strategist, the Founder of Stone Mantel, an insights consultancy, and Author. Aransas is a Coach and Experience Designer who has worked with leading consumer-facing brands, to create meaningfully motivating experiences for the last 20 years.
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