Veteran researcher and pharmacist Kevin Asher knows the pharmaceutical industry inside out. Today he joins us to discuss innovative digital solutions that were born during the pandemic, industry breakthroughs, and the patient data powering the most valuable patient experiences.
In This Episode:
[03:49] How has the pharmaceutical industry’s focus shifted over the last sixteen years? What has changed?
[06:58] Kevin shares what he believes is the biggest area of growth for the pharmaceutical industry.
[07:55] An industry breakthrough for treating chronic musculoskeletal pain has just been licensed by the FDA.
[09:00] How can patient care be improved through digital solutions?
[10:01] What is inspiring Pharma to make these shifts after many years of the same approaches to patient care?
[15:00] Dave touches on how regulated our healthcare system is and how technology is challenging the system.
[17:47] Kevin answers the question, “Why would pharma need to collect data about patients using their products?”
[27:01] How have collaborative studies on patient experience affected how new clinical trials are being designed?
[33:00] How has the pandemic challenged the status quo of the patient experience?
Key Takeaways:
The thinking behind patient care no longer focuses on a magic pill or magic injection, but rather on collaborative studies on patient experience.
Digital interventions are meant to create more access to resources for patients and consumers within the healthcare industry.
The pandemic has opened up many doors for the healthcare system to rethink some out of date regulations and systems to help modernize the patient experience.
Bio: Kevin Asher
Kevin Asher is a UK registered pharmacist who has spent the last 16 years in the Pharmaceutical Industry, primarily in the Medical departments of the business focused on generating, interpreting and communicating clinical data. Since 2019 he has been focusing on how digital solutions can improve patient care and result in better communications with healthcare practitioners.
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