The Experience Strategist
Experience Strategy Podcast with Stone Mantel
Experience Strategy Predictions and Precautions for 2022

Experience Strategy Predictions and Precautions for 2022

The pandemic has influenced every aspect of how we deliver customer experiences. We are joined today by experience strategy pioneers Colin Shaw and Joseph D. Pine to make predictions about what the new normal will look like… and recommendations about what it should look like. Will 2022 be the year today’s companies step forward into the future or will they stay stuck in the past?  

In This Episode: 

  • [03:39] Joe and Colin share why people are listening to experts that cultivate digital services and experiences.  

  • [08:52] How Colin and Joe define “experiences.”

  • [13:37] Colin and Joe discuss “experience strategy.”  

  • [17:21] What companies are missing the key element of experience strategy?

  • [19:33] How the American Customer Satisfaction Index can shed light on how many companies actively pursue or actively ignore progress in customer satisfaction.  

  • [29:35] Are companies approaching industry change with the wrong mindset?

  • [34:27] Where will customers go from here?  

  • [37:15] Colin describes the elements of what he labels “Customer Science.”

  • [42:59] Joe and Colin share their New Year's Resolutions for their work in 2022.  

Key Takeaways: 

  • The pandemic has been a catalyst for companies to review their business models.  The time for companies to define their new mindset is now.  

  • Between the years 2010 and 2019, only 30% of organizations improved their customer satisfaction.  That means that 70% of organizations’ customer satisfaction either declined or remained flat.  

  • Customer experience is still in its infancy.  Perhaps the pandemic will be what nudges it into maturity.  

  • The future of customer satisfaction will depend on both companies and customers.  We all have a choice to go back to the way things were before, with mediocre experiences, or to move forward and build new standards and expectations.  

Bio: Colin Shaw & Joseph D. Pine

Colin is an original pioneer of 'Customer Experience.' LinkedIn has recognized him as one of the 'World's Top 150 Business Influencers', where he has 290,000 followers. As the Founder & CEO of Beyond Philosophy LLC, his Customer experience consulting company has been recognized by the Financial Times as 'one of the leading management consultancies for the last three years in a row. Colin is the co-host of the highly successful Intuitive Customer podcast, which is rated in the top 5% of all podcasts by BuzzSprout.

Joseph Pine II is an internationally acclaimed author, speaker, and management advisor to Fortune 500 companies and entrepreneurial start-ups. He is cofounder of Strategic Horizons LLP, a thinking studio dedicated to helping businesses conceive and design new ways of adding value to their economic offerings. In 2020 Mr. Pine and his partner James H. Gilmore re-released their groundbreaking book The Experience Economy: Competing for Customer Time, Attention, and Money with many new ideas, frameworks, and exemplars plus a new Preview to their best-selling 1999 book The Experience Economy: Work Is Theater; Every Business a Stage. The book demonstrates how goods and services are no longer enough; what companies must offer today are experiences – memorable events that engage each customer in an inherently personal way. It further shows that in today’s Experience Economy companies now compete against the world for the time, attention, and money of individual customers. 

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The Experience Strategist
Experience Strategy Podcast with Stone Mantel
Have you ever had an experience as a customer that left you wondering, “What were they thinking?” The Experience Strategy Podcast has your answer!
We are endlessly curious about what makes great customer experiences and the strategies that successful (and unsuccessful) organizations leverage to create deep and meaningful relationships with their customers. In each episode we explore a notable customer experience through the customer’s perspective to unearth the powerful strategic lessons in these experiences for brands large and small.
Whether you are part of a vast experience strategy team, or you’re a small business owner interested in creating an experience strategy that drives customer loyalty and value, you'll find powerful, actionable CX and employee experience insights in every episode.
The Experience Strategy Podcast is hosted by Dave Norton and Aransas Savas. Dave is an Experience Strategist, the Founder of Stone Mantel, an insights consultancy, and Author. Aransas is a Coach and Experience Designer who has worked with leading consumer-facing brands, to create meaningfully motivating experiences for the last 20 years.
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